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This organization PAME Inc. was created and organized sometime in July 2015 for the reason of defending and protecting the profession of Registered Master Electricians from prejudice. It was started of fighting their rights during the passing of house bills submitted by the Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee of Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Phils. stating the provision of abolishing Registered Master Electricians to degrade in either Registered Industrial Electrician or Registered Line Electrician. This organization will be the voice of all voices to protect the rights of the Registered Master Electricians. This is not only more than just a profession but a true brotherhood.
In Year 2016 June 23rd the organization officially declared its legality by receiving the Security and Exchanged Commission certificate as a Non-Profit Organization. In this reward, the organization is now looking forward to provide the VISION and MISSION for the benefits of all Registered Master Electrician and for the aspiring non-licensed electrical practitioner.
Many in this profession had dreams of becoming a successful in their field. Because of their dream, we will give the best what we serve by providing training and seminars by FREE or in affordable fee.
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